Does anybody else love basketball? This is my "tall son" (see picture on side) during a slam dunk contest over the weekend. He will be a junior in high school next fall. He's a bit over 6'6"... closer to 6'7", but just a hair short of it I think. Anyway, you know how some silly kids volunteer for silly things? Yep...another kid said, "Hey, you can dunk over me if you want to." And mine said, "Yea, okay!" So, I had to watch this one through my fingers as I was visualizing two medic units arriving, one for each kid!! Ugh. Fortunately, he came through and managed a dunk...and thanks to somebody else's dad, we got pictures!!!

The next one is a different alley oop that he dunked nicely. He got 3rd place. I think there were about ten contestants and this was his first time, so he was thrilled! He got a Gatorade, a water bottle, and a basketball all for 3rd place. Yea!

I haven't come up with a great "slam dunk" card yet...if you've got any great ideas, send them my way.